
We LOVE photography. It’s been such a fundamental part of our journey, since long before travel blogging was even a thing for us.

Today, almost everyone has the means to take digital photos. It’s a super fun way to interact with your surroundings, training your eye to really observe the beauty of the world around you and to freeze those moments in time.

In this section, we give you our take on the subject, how we understand the art form and our personal approach to it.


Air, Land and Sea

Photography gear

Photography has diversified and adapted significantly over the years to accommodate our needs. Camera gear that previously only professionals could afford is now reasonably priced (we won’t say cheap) and readily available to all photography enthusiasts. It’s never been easier to take your photography just about anywhere, be it underwater or over land. The sky is practically the limit… well, it used to be until drone photography took off.



Take a peek inside our kit bag to see what gear we’re packing for our adventures.

Essential Camera Gear
Drone Photography


Perspective is a key ingredient of any successful image. Sometimes it takes a bird’s eye view to get the angle right.



Take only photos, leave only bubbles. Photographing underwater should be fun, safe and non-invasive.

Underwater photography

The Digital Canvas

Adobe Lightroom

We all know that feeling of frustration, when you review your photographs only to discover that they aren’t exactly what you had hoped for. Too bright, too dark, too dull, too noisy, too unsharp, too skew, and so the list goes on.

Fortunately, we don’t have to stay frustrated. Photographs are painted on a digital canvas, one that we can enhance using powerful photo editing software.

Our particular favourites are, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop and the suite of photo tools designed by Topaz Labs.

Once you’ve made photo editing a part of your artistic workflow, you’ll find that it’s also a very satisfying way to revisit those special moments as you carefully coax the most out of them.